Brooklyn, New York 2011

– A process-based collaborative inquiry, with sound artist Ellen Moffat.

– An interaction in and with a space, materials and media through mark-making and sound: the sound of drawing / the drawing of sound.

– A shared philosophical and poetic investigation – knowing / not knowing, presence / absence, visible / invisible, doing / undoing and not doing.

– A dialogue, over the course of 10 days, with specific characteristics of the space and with each other’s materials and media, with local materials and chance encounters – walking in the local neighborhood, collecting materials to use in the space for drawing and sound-making.

– The live performance at the exhibition opening continued the exploration through visible and invisible drawings and sound-making with found and local materials.

– The marking and sound generating tools and equipment were left in the space for the period of the installation, open for experimentation by visitors, including many schoolchildren, as part of the K.I.D.S. Art Education program. (see link below)

A brochure for the project, with text by Charlotta Kotik, Curator of Contemporary Art Emerita, Brooklyn Museum, is available through the Kentler Drawing Space.

Click here to view exhibition on gallery site >>

Click here to view art education program >>

Ellen Moffat’s website >>